Women @ TRIA: resource directory

Your gateway to the exciting world of tech careers

Our group, Women @ TRIA, are committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity in the tech space, and empowering young individuals like you to explore the countless opportunities available. Here we have compiled a collection of valuable resources, designed to introduce you to the vast world of the tech industry and show exactly what is available.

Here we have carefully selected resources that can help to educate and hopefully inspire and motivate you to pursue your passions in the tech world. Whether you're interested in coding, design, project management or career guidance - we've got you covered! 

Our links

  • Baltic Apprenticeships
    The future is female: How can we get more girls into tech careers? – This website will give an insight into what the tech industry looks like, especially post Covid. It includes relevant blog posts, facts and statistics, as well as information as to where to find out information, and potentially apply, to apprenticeships within the IT and technology industry. 
  • TechUK
    Pathways into digital careers – This website offers advice on how to start the journey into an IT, technology, or data career path – particularly concentrating on the digital space. It also highlights the misconceptions and common myths of the tech world. 
  • Rota Cloud
    What are the routes into the tech sector for women? – This website acts more as a blog, talking with current woman through their routes into the tech sector for women. Along with their experiences, their journey, and their current roles.
  • Forbes
    What are the different career paths in tech? – This website is talks about the different roles there are available in the technology industry, from Product Managers to Architects. It explains what they are and what is needed within them. 
  • Multiverse
    This website allows you to structure and create a profile to explore the avenues of an IT apprenticeship. It gives lots of details on what an apprenticeship is, how they work and the common questions surround them – as well as potential ones that are on offer. 
  • Indeed
    Is technology a good career path: a complete guide – This website describes what a technology career entails, the pros and cons, as well as how to start the journey.
  • Code First Girls
    The next gen of tech talent – This website is focused towards closing the gender gap in tech. It allows you to sign up and become a member – this way you can access free courses from beginner to advanced. This includes coding kickstarters, sprints and challenges and more.