Gareth Prosser


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The journey so far

 I joined TRIA mid September having come from a sales role in the construction industry before that was insurance and before that Events and Brand Ambassador roles.


TRIA felt like an instant fit from first meetings with Tim, Scott and Pete and then coming into the office to meet with Lara and David. The way TRIA operate and their approach to sales really resonated with me and it felt like an environment I can thrive in.

Your favourite part of the job?

My favourite part of the role to date has been learning the new IT roles that I’ve recruited for. The industry is new to me and it’s been an interesting learning curve.

Hobbies & Interests

Outside of the office I enjoy playing drums and anything else music related. I like to cook and I try and brew my own beer from time to time. I like to travel/holiday as much as possible but I still have 2 continents still to visit. As well as that I’m a bit of a sports fan, mostly rugby and mostly watching these days.